Rubik’s Cube

Can you solve a Rubik’s Cube?

My fastest time was 40 seconds, my average is around 60 seconds.

Take some lego pieces, a laptop and a lot of  time and you could create this…

A Lego Machine that can Solve the Rubik’s Cube in <11 Seconds… :eeks:

Darn Lego machine cheats by using a laptop.

I originally saw the link from Danny’s Facebook page, Thx for the link Dan!
Which pointed to an article at engadget ..

Here’s the video link directly

Pretty cool the way I see it!

iNcredible iNventions iNcomplete iFail

So I came across an interesting pre-new iPad competitor.

i’M sure iT will iFail

Silly marketing take the device to a trade show and can’t even get the logo correct. I would have probably taped a business card over the upside down logo.

It’s called it iWonder, it really makes you wonder what were they thinking?

iWonder what they were thinking?

The iWonderful marketing team #Fail

It is running the Android OS,  engadget reports that the screen is crappy but that the company is looking for better suppliers. There are other issues like Auto-rotation is not functional but they seem to be software issues and should be solved by release.

For the full Engadget report feel free to visit the engadget article

Check out this video of engadgets hands-on review at MWC

Poetry in Motion?

My Alarm started my day with a little science. Interestingly enough, it started right at the beginning of the song.